Get on the Bus Gaining Traction

This year, Get on the Bus has gained considerable traction with communities across Canada expressing interest in implementing similar initiatives and municipalities reaching out to hear more from our team. On June 6, 2023, Dan and Burkhard were invited to present the movement at a Planning and Works Committee meeting for Waterloo (ON) Region (1:06:23).

Presentation begins at 1:06:23

Dan and Burkhard discussed the impact of the program and emphasized its potential to empower youth within a community. They also highlighted the successful implementation of the initiative in other regions, showcasing how the program can be adapted to suit the unique needs of the Waterloo region. Get on the Bus has been well-received in the area; earlier that morning, Dan discussed the program and its benefits on The Morning Edition - K-W with Craig Norris.

Several days later, Member of Parliament Mike Morrice - Kitchener Centre called on (2:53) the federal government to make meaningful investments in public transit to ensure frequent, quality service while maintaining affordable fee levels and scaling climate action. Morrice referenced the Kingston Model and Get on the Bus, articulating the “exponential growth in ridership among [Kingston] high school students by providing training and free bus passes.”

As more communities explore this model, there is hope for a future where transportation access is no longer a barrier for youth and climate friendly travel is a way of life.


Launching a Youth Transit Movement